DAP strongly condemns destruction of their traditional offices in Lapago region by TNI/Polri

Bintang Papua
18 December, 2012
The Dewan Adat Papua – Council of Traditional Papuan Communities – strongly  denounces the destruction by fire of the Filamo DAP Home Base which was torched by the Indonesian police on 16 December.The torching of the DAP office occurred shortly after  a number of activists of the KNPB (National Committee of West Papua) had been taken into custody following several incidents in the Lapago area.

The chairman of the Lapago Baliem DAP office, Lamok Mabel, said that these incidents had led to the loss of life of several civilians, whose building was burnt down. These actions are a flagrant assault against the local communities and must be unreservedly condemned.  Moreover, these despicable actions occurred on a sacred day, Advent.

Lamok Mabel said that the destruction and loss of life occurred without explanation or reason. He pointed out that their building had been constructed in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Autonomy Law 2001/21 and the Declaration by the UN in September 2007 on the rights of indigenous people.

In view of these incidents, the DAP made  the following statements and recommendations:

*    We strongly condemn the planned and deliberate torching of our ethnic home and declare that the TNI/Polri, the Indonesian army and police who ordered these actions will suffer the consequences of their actions for seven generations. These buildings were places of protection for all groups, not only Papuans from Baliem.

*   This is a move for the forcible removal of our people from their homes, committed by the TNI/Polri

*    Would not the people of Java be furious if their keratons (Javanese word for a royal palace) were burnt down which, like our homes, are sacred and represent an integral part of their culture?

*    We call on the president of Indonesia to accept responsibility along with the police for the destruction of our homes on 16 December.

[Translated by TAPOL]

One thought on “DAP strongly condemns destruction of their traditional offices in Lapago region by TNI/Polri

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  1. How about some international support for our West Papuan brothers and sisters. Two big super powers talking up their involvement in the Asia-Pacific region. Time for action, guys!

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