WPM’s Network Partners

West Papua Media is proud to work closely with the following networks and organisations that support the credible, factual publishing of news and evidence from West Papua:

 Papuan partners:s42SQE2D

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Alliance of Independent Journalists – Papua Chapter



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Sekretariat Keadilan dan Perdamaian (SKP) Papua (Peace and Justice Secretariat), Catholic Church in Papua Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Desk,  GKI Papua (Uniting Church)

Sekretariat Keadilan dan Perdamaian (SKP) Papua (Peace and Justice Secretariat), Catholic Church in Papua
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Desk, GKI Papua (Uniting Church)




International Partners:

Reporters Without Borders





Additionally, West Papua Media also utilises content from other outlets and partners under Creative Commons principles for non-profit use. West Papua Media retains the right to reprint, embed or syndicate without charge any article or content by other organisations that has been written or produced with the assistance of any of our staff, fixers, stringers or editorial team. We will endeavour to remove any content that is so requested by copyright holders, and if commercial use is sought from us, we will fully disclose to copyright holders the request, seek further permissions, and if payment is given to West Papua Media, we will pass on proceeds to copyright holders in accordance with their wishes and rights.

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