West Papua human rights defender arrested by police

West Papua human rights activist Sebby Sambom has been arrested by police at Sentani Airport in Jayapura yesterday morning. He was on his way to a meeting with the Asian Human Rights Commission.

Sebby was released from prison last year after serving 1 year of a 2 year sentence following a legal glitch. He has since been living in hiding after him and his family received death threats.

It is not clear what offence he is alleged to have committed. Witnesses said he was in the boarding lounge of the airport when Indonesian intelligence officers and police arrested him.

In other developments, police last night shot dead Miron Wetipo at Abepura Prison leading to a riot by prisoners. High profile political prisoners Filep Karma and Buctar Tabuni have now been moved to Papua police hearquaters from Abepura prison by police. There are reports of intimidation towards remaining prisoners.

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