WestPapuaMedia site to go offline until our improved return: Archived on the Wayback Machine

WPM Editorial Statement
October 29, 2018
Hello readers:
As you know, West Papua Media has suspended publishing on our main site for a while now, due to a difficult ethical decision around the unsustainable safety costs for our clandestine journalists, that we faced without little support.
In the meantime, key personnel have been working on the Project FiveArm Secure Crisis Journalism Tool, and also working on key safety measures, and will be continuing this work for at least several months into the new year.
Whilst the Facebook group will continue. a decision has been taken not to renew our current web subscription for the site, whilst still protecting our domain registration and its variants. Our twitter account will also remain, but will not be a resource for real time monitoring until our re-establishment in 2019
Sadly, we do have to warn: Any organisation or individual that attempts to squat our identity will be severely dealt with. Please do not underestimate our desire to protect this ten year project’s legacy and platform that will return as a critical platform for West Papuan voices.
West Papua Media will be returning as a Witness Journalism and Human Security Monitoring initiate that will provide a robust global platform for independent and credible West Papuan voices to document their resistance and survival under Indonesian colonial occupation. It will become valuable a resource for both safe witness journalism skillsharing, and also for activist networks to utilise robust and provable high quality and factual evidence (of an international legal standard) from the field to assist in their campaigning, subject to correct attribution.
When we return, we will be upgrading to a much safer, inclusive anti-surveillance platform, that will also enable safer and much more robust engagement with witness human rights and environmental journalists and readers, and utilise protected, encrypted and anonymous submissions of evidence of human security abuses. This will be funded through a significant crowdfunding effort and philanthropic requests.
We will continue to be non-factional and non-partisan, inasmuch as we are embedded in the indigenous genuine self-determination aspirations of the West Papuan People, and the advocacy of Universal and basic Human Rights.
We will continue to have the most robust and ethical Source Protection Policy in journalism today, and introduce innovative Safe Witness Journalism technologies and training resources, including encryption resources and manuals.
WestPapuaMedia will also continue to work with indigenous media outlets and seek to renegotiate partnerships with clandestine and open journalists, outlets, sources and investigators who have met our Editorial Standards, using an exclusive blockchain source credibility scoring mechanism we have developed called ReputaChain. With reader support a fund for Assistance and training will be given to those who have yet to meet those standards and wish to be involved.
We would welcome anybody who wishes to help us achieve this mission. Please contact us at editor(at)westpapuamedia.info if you would like to assist with coding, archiving, sub-editing, and/or designing a crowdfunding campaign to help us achieve these goals. Our GPG key is at https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8378AD1127BEF02E
West Papua Media will aim to begin work to create this new presence in February 2019.
Obviously our archive will be unavailable, so you can search for any WestPapuaMedia stories on the Wayback Machine internet archive at https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://westpapuamedia.info/
We look forward to returning to our mission of Helping the Voiceless Roar, louder and stronger than ever.
WPM Crew
October 29, 2018

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